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.NET and Visual Studio (Code) - Oracle Office Hours

Join these sessions for the inside scoop on .NET, VS Code, and Visual Studio development with Oracle Database on-premises and in the cloud. AskTOM Office Hours offers free, open Q&A sessions with Oracle Database development experts.



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    Oracle .NET Blog

    Alex Keh's Oracle .NET Blog

    Oracle and .NET: Application High Availability Best Practices

    Learn how Oracle Database brings unprecedented high availability to .NET applications, which allows end users to experience near-zero downtime, no errors, and automatic recovery after a failure. These capabilities are made possible through several technologies, such as Application Continuity, Transaction Guard, and Transparent Application Failover. Learn how to employ these technologies and others to ensure .NET application high availability in both planned outage and unplanned outages. This session focuses on ensuring high availability from the end user's perspective even when the database itself becomes temporarily unavailable.

    Oracle Database 18c Express Edition on Windows - Installing and Getting Started

    Learn how to install Oracle Database Express Edition (XE) release 18.4 on Windows, the free edition of Oracle Database. We also show how to connect to the database using SQL*Plus, how to startup and shutdown the database, how to set up the database to automatically start when windows starts and how to enable the included HR sample schema for use when trying out Oracle code examples.

    ODP.NET Performance Counters Demo

    Learn how to register, configure, and use Oracle Data Provider for .NET performance counters. This video walks through the process step by step, culminating in a live ODP.NET counters demonstration with Windows Performance Monitor.

    How to Secure .NET Applications with Oracle Database

    Oracle databases have numerous advanced security capabilities. These capabilities are only useful if enabled throughout your technology stack: from application to database. In this session, learn how to develop secure Oracle .NET applications to complete a secure end to end stack. See how to use Oracle Data Provider for .NET to secure your application passwords, authentication, communications, data integrity, and even trace files. In addition, we will demonstrate how to optimize performance and maintain full user security and auditing capabilities through proxy authentication and end-to-end tracing.

    Oracle .NET Developer Center

    Oracle's .NET development community numbers over 800,000 members. Join us and enhance your Oracle Database skills through .NET and Visual Studio step-by-step tutorials, technical articles, technical briefs, and videos.

    Oracle Entity Framework Core Introduction

    This video demonstrates how to start using ODP.NET Entity Framework Core (EF Core). It builds a simple Oracle EF Core application that uses Migrations and Reverse Engineering.

    ODP.NET Core Introduction

    This video provides an Oracle Database .NET Core introduction. Learn step by step how to develop a simple ODP.NET Core application and connect to the Oracle Database.

    Connecting Oracle Autonomous Database to Azure Web Apps

    Watch a demonstration how to connect an Azure ASP.NET Core web app using ODP.NET Core to Oracle Autonomous Database. Learn the simple configuration steps to setup this multicloud deployment.