A Dev Gym Workout


The CONTINUE statement was added to PL/SQL in Oracle 11g, allowing you to jump out of the current iteration of a loop. We start off this workout with a sort articley by tim Hall to show you how it works. From there you can check out Steven Feuerstein's Oracle Magazine article plus a LiveSQL demonstration script. Finish up with some quizzes to make sure you know the ins-and-outs of this useful enhancement.
  • Instructor

    Tim Hall*

  • Estimated Time

    41 Minutes

  • Difficulty

    Beginner to Intermediate

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Exercise Difficulty Time
CONTINUE Statement in Oracle Database 11g Release 1Beginner5
On Continuing and IndexingBeginner10
Simple CONTINUE ExampleBeginner10
Quiz on The CONTINUE StatementIntermediate2
Quiz on CONTINUE in Cursor FOR LoopsIntermediate6
Quiz on Rules for using CONTINUEIntermediate2
Quiz on Using Labels with CONTINUEIntermediate6

*About Tim Hall

Tim Hall is an Oracle DBA/Developer and well known Oracle blogger at https://oracle-base.com. If that isn't enough, he's written two books and over 900 articles, is an Oracle ACE Director, Oracle Groundbreaker Ambassador, OakTable member, and has presented at numerous user groups and conferences worldwide.

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