A Dev Gym Workout

Getting Started with Oracle Database - Short Version

Use this workout to record completion of training exercises for Oracle Database, as outlined at https://asktom.oracle.com/databases-for-developers.htm. These exercises are for those who want to complete this training in one day.
  • Instructor

    Steven Feuerstein*

  • Estimated Time


  • Difficulty


Oracle Account Text

You need an Oracle Account to take a workout. Click here to sign up.
Already a member of the Oracle Dev Gym? Click here to get back to work.

*About Steven Feuerstein

Steven Feuerstein is a Senior Advisor at Insum Solutions (https://insum.ca), and is obsessed with the Oracle PL/SQL language, having written ten books on it (all published by O'Reilly Media). You will find an abundance of quizzes from Steven at the Dev Gym. Enjoy!

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