A Dev Gym Workout

Love Your Database

This workout offers as exercises all the quizzes that were originally played in Database Design Annual Championship for 2017 - but don't worry! They're still more than relevant to your work today. Warning: they're advanced and they cover a variety of Oracle Database topics. How will you stack up against the championship players? :-)
  • Instructor

    Chris Saxon*

  • Estimated Time


  • Difficulty

    Intermediate to Advanced

Oracle Account Text

You need an Oracle Account to take a workout. Click here to sign up.
Already a member of the Oracle Dev Gym? Click here to get back to work.


Exercise Difficulty Time
Quiz on JSON Data GuideAdvanced
Quiz on ViewsAdvanced
Quiz on List PartitioningAdvanced
Quiz on Materialized View RefreshesAdvanced
Quiz on Column-Level CollationIntermediate

*About Chris Saxon

Chris Saxon is an Oracle Developer Advocate and quizmaster on Dev Gym. His job is to help you get the best out of the Oracle Database and have fun with SQL! He's also part of the answer team on Ask TOM and creates YouTube videos at The Magic of SQL channel.

More from Chris Saxon