A Dev Gym Workout

Oracle Developer Live: Java Innovations March 2021

Oracle’s ongoing technology leadership and ecosystem stewardship is advancing Java, strengthening its position as the premier programming language and platform for modern application development. At Oracle Developer Live: Java Innovations, you enhanced your developer skills by learning more about Java from Oracle and industry technical experts.

We'd like you to test your knowledge on what you learned. By completing 5 questions correctly, you will achieve a social badge which you can share on your social media.

If you missed the live event or to refresh your knowledge you can review each session on demand from this link: https://developer.oracle.com/developer-live/java-innovations/

  • Instructor

    Oracle Dev Live

  • Estimated Time

    5 Minutes

  • Difficulty


Oracle Account Text

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Exercise Difficulty Time
Quiz for Java Language Futures: Spring 2021Beginner5
Quiz for Building Scalable Microservices for Java using Helidon and Coherence CEBeginner5
Quiz for Java 16: Consistency and InnovationBeginner2
Quiz for Fast and Efficient Microservices for Java with GraalVMBeginner5
Quiz for Vector API: SIMD Programming in JavaBeginner5
Quiz for Learn Java 16 with IntelliJ IDEABeginner5
Quiz for Your Guide to Open JDK DevelopmentBeginner5
Quiz for Monitoring and Troubleshooting Tools in the JDK SessionBeginner5
Quiz for Project Skara: Migrating OpenJDK to Git and GitHubBeginner5
Quiz for How Records Can Improve SerializationBeginner5
Quiz for Cross-Platform User Interfaces, Developed with Java and the OpenJFX Project SessionBeginner5
Quiz for Accelerating Productivity with Micronaut and Java RecordsBeginner5