A Dev Gym Workout

PL/SQL Knowledge Survey

Use this workout to get an idea of your knowledge of PL/SQL. These quizzes are not code-based; rather, they allow a developer to quickly review features of PL/SQL and demonstrate their proficiency. As you evaluate choices for correctness, remember that this is a workout about how PL/SQL works, not the right and wrong ways to write PL/SQL code. Assume a default installation of Oracle Database 18c. So, for example, the optimization level is set to 2.
  • Instructor

    Steven Feuerstein*

  • Estimated Time

    42 Minutes

  • Difficulty


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Exercise Difficulty Time
Quiz on DeclarationsIntermediate2
Quiz on Loops in PL/SQLIntermediate5
Quiz on Conditional LogicIntermediate5
Quiz on PerformanceIntermediate5
Quiz on Associative ArraysIntermediate5
Quiz on CollectionsIntermediate2
Quiz on SQL in PL/SQLIntermediate5
Quiz on Dynamic SQLIntermediate2
Quiz on Cursor FOR LoopsIntermediate2
Quiz on Error ManagementIntermediate2
Quiz on Dependency ManagementIntermediate2
Quiz on Transaction Processing in PL/SQLIntermediate5

*About Steven Feuerstein

Steven Feuerstein is a Senior Advisor at Insum Solutions (https://insum.ca), and is obsessed with the Oracle PL/SQL language, having written ten books on it (all published by O'Reilly Media). You will find an abundance of quizzes from Steven at the Dev Gym. Enjoy!

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