A Dev Gym Workout

Santa Claus SQL

A workout of quizzes by the Oracle Dev Gym SQL Quizmaster, Kim Berg Hansen, that feature Santa Claus, his elves, Christmas and more. Enjoy any time of the year!
  • Instructor

    Kim Berg Hansen*

  • Estimated Time

    101 Minutes

  • Difficulty

    Beginner to Advanced

Oracle Account Text

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Exercise Difficulty Time
Quiz on GREATESTBeginner7
Quiz on REPLACEBeginner6
Quiz on LPADBeginner9
Quiz on ROW_NUMBERIntermediate12
Quiz on CASE ExpressionsIntermediate10
Quiz on FIRSTIntermediate10
Quiz on IN conditionIntermediate10
Quiz on JoinsIntermediate11
Quiz on Temporal validityAdvanced2
Quiz on Recursive Subquery FactoringAdvanced8
Quiz on Lateral inline viewAdvanced10
Quiz on LISTAGGAdvanced7

*About Kim Berg Hansen

Danish geek. Author of 'Practical Oracle SQL' book. ORACLE ACE Director. Oracle OCE in SQL. Oracle SQL Evangelist. Oracle PL/SQL Developer. Likes to cook. Reads sci-fi. Member of Danish Beer Enthusiasts.

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