A Dev Gym Workout

Test Class Functionality

Let's see if you can sign up for this class, take it when it is available, and I can review the results.
  • Instructor

    Steven Feuerstein*

  • Estimated Time

    31 Minutes

  • Difficulty


Oracle Account Text

You need an Oracle Account to take a workout. Click here to sign up.
Already a member of the Oracle Dev Gym? Click here to get back to work.


Exercise Difficulty Time
Quiz on The VALUES OF ClauseAdvanced18
Quiz on FORALLIntermediate5
Quiz on BETWEEN Clause of INDICES OFAdvanced8

*About Steven Feuerstein

Steven Feuerstein is a Senior Advisor at Insum Solutions (https://insum.ca), and is obsessed with the Oracle PL/SQL language, having written ten books on it (all published by O'Reilly Media). You will find an abundance of quizzes from Steven at the Dev Gym. Enjoy!

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